AAS Partner Universities (PU’s)

Dear Members

The 21st October 2016 marked an important milestone in our 62-year history. RMIT University, James Cook University and Murdoch University entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the AAS and became AAS Partner Universities (“PUs”), a program designed to offer 100% subsidised AAS Alumni Ordinary membership to their Singaporean resident Alumni.

This framework now provides the pathway for expanding the AAS Ordinary membership and services to up to 68,500 new AAS members over the next years. Combined with our current membership, that is more than half of the Australian Alumni population in Singapore.

The AAS will be presenting our Partner University Program for consideration to all Australian Universities in 2017, underpinned by a digital transformation program that enables us to provide enhanced membership value and services, en scale to all 140,000 Australian Alumni in Singapore.

Learn more about the AAS Partners Program and our Digital transformation program in our AAS Digital Magazine.

Don’t forget to enter the AGM Competition to win $200 in Jetstar vouchers. Click on our Sponsors logos to enter. Entries will close at 4pm on the 28th March 2017 and the Winner will be announced tomorrow evening at the 62nd AGM.

If you would like to discuss your own University or Alumni Chapter’s interest in this program, I welcome your calls at any time.

Best regards

Peter Chor-Leng Tan
AAS Partner University Program and Membership